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Ask Your Port Lavaca Dentist: When is the Right Time to Screen My Children for Their Orthodontic Needs?

by | Aug 24, 2017 | Orthodontics

When you think about orthodontic care for your child, you likely picture them potentially having braces or aligners as a preteen or teenager. However, there are actually several reasons why your kids should be evaluated by an orthodontic specialist much sooner, with many professionals recommending that exam take place no later than age 7. Here’s what you need to know.

Identify Issues Early

The biggest benefit of having your child evaluated by a local Port Lavaca orthodontist is to spot subtle problems that may be developing. Issues with emerging teeth and jaw growth can lead to serious, and sometimes complicated, problems down the road, so identifying them early can make intervention easier to manage.

Additionally, just because your child’s teeth appear straight or bite seems fine, there are problems that only a trained orthodontist may be able to see. Plus, monitoring your kid’s development over time can ensure any issues are treated in a timely manner or before the situation causes any discomfort to your child.

Shorten Treatment Times

At times, early treatment is less invasive and difficult than later treatment. Some issues can be corrected before they cause more serious problems, which can effectively shorten the overall orthodontic treatment time. Plus, it makes the plan less complicated, making it simpler for all parties involved in your child’s care as well as for them personally.

Better Results

In some cases, early treatment gives your Port Lavaca orthodontist the chance to achieve a better result. Some conditions can be more easily managed while the jaw and face are still growing. By having your child evaluated at a younger age, time is on your side.

Getting treatment from your Port Lavaca orthodontist can give them a chance to guide the growth of your child’s jaw, lower the risks associated with protruding front teeth, direct permanent teeth into more favorable positions, and correct potentially harmful oral habits early. Plus, it can improve the appearance of your kid’s smile and how their lips meet, giving them additional confidence throughout many of their school years.

Every child develops differently, so getting a screening done before the age of 7 ensures an orthodontic plan (if needed) is in place at the optimal time. Our goal is to help your child achieve healthy and beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time. Contact your Port Lavaca orthodontist for a consultation today.

Source: American Association of Orthodontists
